British Columbia: The Rockies
Recent trip through the Rockies was at times frustrating as I came to understand the BC Fires were in full throws and being fought desperately. Poor planning on my part but I had other commitments. We at times where concerned our trip would be hampered or delayed.
Finally I came to accept the situation and realize I am to work with what I am presented with, I relaxed, through away my preconceived notions.
First off understand it was not foggy or misty - that is smoke you are seeing. You can understand how disappointed I was not to get those clear majestic images of the mountains.

Of course I would not venture into danger so it was difficult to see the fires but this or previous years damage could be found. Pleasant artistic images I could not find.

In these two images you can see dead bug eaten trees, the reason for all the fires. They also have not been coloured nor enhanced much It's late in the day, and the sun is setting reflecting off the smoke particles in the air.

More sunsets.

More effects of smoke you would think was fog.