Harbourville, Nova Scotia
Small lobster port in the Bay of Fundy is so beautiful in it's rough blending with nature. Notice the port is carved and protected with stone seawall. My wife and I walking around learning the features of new cameras for both of us. We were gifted with a lovely day. There are many such ports as Nova Scotia has a lengthy coastline.
The area size is 55,284 km² or 21345.272 square miles. Cape Breton Island is joined to the mainland by the Canso Causeway creating a coastline of 7,400 kilometres in length. The overall length is only 575 kilometres and the average width is 130 kilometres.

Man made seawall at the outlet of a river. Here is a video someone else did showing tides which can reach 40 feet.

This is an old dunk tank, hit the target just to the right of the lobster and down goes the victim. On close inspection it didn't look functional any more.